The hardest thing about starting a business is EVERYTHING. That’s why it is important to get the easier things done right from the beginning. We wanted to discuss this topic in an effort to help you with some of those early decisions.
One of the first things a business should do in regards to marketing is set up its Facebook Business Page. A Facebook page is a great place to start your company’s space in the social networking arena. Its global reach, massive user base, and the granular information it collects from its users make Facebook Marketing great!
A small business’ Facebook page is very similar to a personal Facebook page but it is created around your business, brand, and customers.
Your business’ Facebook page will need to reflect your company’s brand and identity. Make sure your logo reflects the image that you want, and use it as the primary photo for your page. All other images, including your Facebook page’s cover photo, should reinforce your company’s skills, expertise, product line(s), values, etc.
For example, if your company’s name is ABC Drilling LLC, consider something along the lines of If you come to discover that the URL you wanted is taken, modify it a little. For example Facebook will let you know if a URL is already taken.
Again, keep the URL short and simple so that customers will be more likely to recall it. The easier it is for followers or customers to remember, the more successful your company’s Facebook Marketing efforts will be. Make it easy for your network to find you.
Create a couple of short but sweet sentences to describe your brand, products or service. It doesn’t need to be an Epic tale or trilogy but something that will introduce people to your company’s Facebook Marketing page and what your small business has to offer.
You need to grow your network of followers and Facebook has the marketing tools to help you do it.
Access your page’s Admin Menu and select the “Build Audience”. There, you’ll be able to invite both your existing Facebook friends and email contacts to follow your company’s page.
Make sure that your new Facebook page’s URL is listed in all your physical marketing material, email templates, website(s) and any other social media platform you may be using.
So now that you have started to acquire followers, you need to keep them engaged. Or you can think of it as keeping your company in the front of their minds, that’s important to your Facebook Marketing plan.
It is critical to post quality content on a consistent basis. Don’t try to stuff or manufacture content, and don’t share every little thing. That is a sure way not to create engagement.
How often should you post to your company’s Facebook page? Shoot for two updates a week, but no less than one.
Most importantly, successful updates for your company’s Facebook page would be information that your followers would value. Some examples include; special or limited offers, store hour changes, new products/services, and events. Be sure to use visuals (video or photos) in your posts as those typically generate more interaction. Finally, remember you can be more conversational and less formal in your social media interactions/communications.
Following these tips will help ensure the success of your small business’ Facebook page.
If you have more questions about how to maximize Facebook for your business or how to get the most out if your website or digital assets, contact us. It’s what we love to do and we’re pretty darn good at it!