Pay Per Click Advertising is an excellent way of increasing the amount of traffic to your website. With the right approach, it can be very effective, and the results speak for themselves. However, is time-consuming and become very expensive if you go the wrong way.
However, hiring an agency is not always the answer – especially for a start-up with no funds. That’s why we created this article so you can have an advantage over those that start without any advice.
Keywords play a crucial role in pay per click advertising and choosing the right ones to work with can make or break your campaign. You must consider your marketing goals. General keywords such as i.e. “tires” are going to bring you lots of traffic, and is great for branding purposes – and possibly educating your marketing. However, if your goal is to sell tires and want folks to find your shop you should find keyword phrases such as i.e. “buy tires in Houston.” Understanding the intent of those searching is crucial when you are building your keyword list.
Though Google Adwords is a sophisticated system, one of many reports you can check the actual keywords folks typed in to find your ads. Get there by following these steps: Adwords account < Keywords > Details > All. This will be very helpful determining if you’re getting the right traffic.
Also, Set up a Google Analytics account to track your progress. Google Analytics Custom Campaigns will become an integral part of your pay per click advertising. Even if you don’t understand it, set it up, because later on you or someone else whom you might hire can use that data.
Tracking and reviewing your progress is crucial and this should be done daily. Using a spreadsheet is a great way to track your progress (or decline) and see where you can make improvements. It’s also the perfect way to see if you are on the right track and in that case the old adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” always applies, although some small tweaks may lead to further success.
A landing page for the keywords you are targeting allows you to send visitors to the information they are wanting. This technique will also allow you to be consistent with the ads you created in your campaign; further enhancing their effectiveness.
There is no ‘quick-fix’ for any business, it takes time to see results. There is a certain amount of trial and error involved; you need to fine-tune your approach before you start to make good progress. However, don’t be deterred. A successful campaign is possible, and you can be very successful.
To take your internet marketing efforts to the next level. Contact the team at IMPROZ today. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you successfully reach your online marketing goals.